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The branch of technology that deals with dimensions and tolerances of less than 100 nanometers, especially the manipulation of individuals atoms and molecules (H.1.)


Read More on the Background of Nanotechnology

Nanotechnology is still a rising branch of science with many future plans already being put into place by the limited number of researchers. It has continuing broad implications ranging from medicine to computing. (H.2.)


Read More on the Applications of Nanotechnology


What Does Nano Mean?



What's the Importance of Nanotechnology?

Nanotechnology is still a new branch of science but it is continuously growing. Implications into everyday life are expanding and being used in such things like self-cleaning glass in everyday life to creating new cancer treatments for rare cases. The uses of it can even extend to the drug delivery in the body to the correct place. (H.4.)


more on the uses in everyday life

Nanotechnology Changing Cancer Treatment

With many traditional types of cancer treatment such as radiation, chemotherapy or stem cell transplants, scientists are using nanotechnology to create new possibilities to cancer treatment. 


read more on the advances of cancer treatment

This animation by Daniel Gies illustrates the difference in sizes from a strand of hair to a true nanometer. 



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